Spacing, Fees, & Guidelines

Event Spaces

Morikami’s diverse spaces are perfect for any occasion. See below for a list of available spaces, their respective capacities, and images of each area. Simply click on the individual images to see a larger view.

Rental Areas & Capacities

Interior Lobby

  • Cocktails – 225 guests
  • Dining Only – 180 guests
  • Dining and Dancing – 150 guests

Outside Terrace

  • Cocktails – 300 guests
  • Dining Only – 180 guests
  • Dining and Dancing – 150 guests


  • Tiered Seating for 220 to 240 guests
  • Food and Beverage are prohibited in the theater

All bookings must be accompanied by a $1,000.00 security deposit, of which $250.00 will serve as an administrative fee and is non-refundable in the event of cancellation after booking.  In the event of cancellation within 30 days of reserving a date with the security deposit, $750.00 is still refundable should the event be cancelled.  Once 30 days have passed, the entire $1,000.00 will be forfeited in the event of cancellation. Once the event takes place, the lessee may be eligible to receive the full $1,000.00 security deposit back, inclusive of the $250.00 administrative fee. The Morikami, Inc. reserves the right to cancel or postpone an event due to Covid-19 or other specific occurrences which affect health, or inhibit safety or normal operation of the venue. In the event that the lessee must use a catering company that is subcontracted by The Cornell Café due to Kosher or cultural requirements, the security deposit requirement may be augmented to $1,250.00. A surcharge of $35.00 per person, representing a buyout fee is also applicable. All pricing above is based on a maximum event timeframe of 5 ½ hours (not inclusive of set-up or breakdown.)  Events running beyond 5 ½ hours in length or later than midnight will be charged $500.00 plus tax per hour or part hour.  Additional fees may apply for The Cornell Café and other vendors. All fees above are subject to Palm Beach County tax rates of 7.0% unless a valid Certificate of Exemption is provided prior to executing a Facility Use Agreement.  All fees are subject to change prior to signing of the Facility Use Agreement.  Dates are never confirmed without receipt of the full security deposit and fully executed Facility Use Agreement.

Rental Fees

The fees quoted below are for facility rental only. They do not include tables or other rental equipment as the Cornell Cafe will coordinate. A discounted rental fee may be available for corporate sponsors, supporters of Morikami, and non-profit organizations. Please call the Facility Rental Department at 561-233-1304 for details.

Prices are subject to change.

June – September

Day Cost Hours Area
Monday $4,000* 10:00am to 5:00pm Exclusive access to the lobby, theater, terraces, and gardens. The galleries may be available for private viewings at an additional cost.
Monday – Thursday $4,500* 6:30pm to midnight Exclusive access to the lobby, theater, terraces, and gardens. The galleries may be available for private viewings at an additional cost.
Friday – Sunday $5,000* 6:30pm to midnight Exclusive access to the lobby, theater, terraces, and gardens. The galleries may be available for private viewings at an additional cost.

*All pricing subject to 7.0% tax.

October – May

Day Cost Hours Area
Monday $4,500* 10:00am to 5:00pm Exclusive access to the lobby, theater, terraces, and gardens. The galleries may be available for private viewings at an additional cost.
Monday – Thursday $5,000* 6:30pm to midnight Exclusive access to the lobby, theater, terraces, and gardens. The galleries may be available for private viewings at an additional cost.
Friday – Sunday $6,000* 6:30pm to midnight Exclusive access to the lobby, theater, terraces, and gardens. The galleries may be available for private viewings at an additional cost.

*All pricing subject to 7.0% tax.


Ceremony Spaces

Indoor Receptions

Outdoor Receptions

Garden Photo Shoots

Rental Guidelines

The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens provide a beautiful and unique setting for social events.   It is important that lessees and their suppliers demonstrate a willingness to respect the sensitivity of the Museum, Gardens, and surroundings.  Failure to do so may result in fines and/or suspension of the rights to provide services at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens.

The Museum is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. every day except Monday. This presents some challenges with regard to set-up times.  Staff at the Morikami recognize this and will work with outside contractors to help ensure a smooth set-up within the allotted times.  These guidelines are designed to answer frequent questions and to help avoid any last-minute logistical issues.  Topics are listed in alphabetical order.

Access, Set-up and Clean-up Times

Each Facility Use Agreement states the scheduled set-up time, event timing, and breakdown period.  Usual timings are:


Set-up: 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Event: 6:30 p.m. – Midnight
Breakdown/cleanup: Midnight – 1:30 a.m.

Any agreement outside these times must be written into the contract before signing.  A charge of $500.00 per hour or part hour will be charged for events running later than the stated times.

Subcontracted caterers, decorators, and lighting companies should be aware that contracts allow 1½ hours for breakdown (usual deadline is 1:30 a.m.)  It is essential that sufficient staff be assigned to both remove equipment and complete any necessary clean-up.  Lessee is liable for an over run fee of $500.00 per hour or part hour if the area is not cleared on time.

Bird Seed, Bubbles, Confetti, Flower Petals, Flying Lanterns and Sparklers

Bird seed and confetti are not allowed. Bubbles are allowed outside the museum, but excess liquid must not be poured into the lake, flower beds or grass. The use of any other objects must be pre-approved by facility rental staff.


All candles must be in a candleholder of the appropriate size, encompassing the entire candle. Open flames, such as taper candles, may not be used in decorations.  Tea-lights are not recommended because of their limited burn time.  In cases where there are too many candles inside the lobby, the fire alarm may be triggered, at which point everyone must evacuate the building and the fire department will be called.


All catering arrangements must be coordinated through our on-site caterer, The Cornell Café.  The Cornell Café reserves the right to subcontract an outside catering company of their choice to cater an event with completely kosher requirements. They are able to provide kosher style cuisine, but do not have a kosher kitchen. All parties planning an event at the Morikami must have their initial meeting with The Cornell Café and Morikami Facility Rental staff to determine how we can best meet the needs of the interested party. Subcontracted catering companies selected by The Cornell Café and approved by The Morikami, Inc. will have access to an area on the west side of the Museum that has been designated as a staging area.  Cook tents and other necessary supplies may be set up in this area with approval from The Cornell Cafe and Morikami Facility Rental staff. Water and a power supply are available. The Cornell Café tables and chairs may not be moved from the Café area.  Subcontracted caterers will not have access to the on-site kitchen. A $25.00 per person surcharge applies to events with subcontracted catering.


A room with a television and DVD player is available to occupy young children.  Lessee or caterer must undertake cleaning of the room following the event.  In the interest of safety, children should not play near the lake or waterfall and should not be allowed to throw stones or other items in the water. They must also respect the plants growing around the terrace.  Please ensure that children are not playing on the stairs or handrails or running throughout the event spaces. An adult must be present to supervise children at all times.


Catering staff is responsible for clean up during and after the event.  Caterers must notify The Morikami Inc. staff before leaving the facility so that area can be inspected.  Caterers must provide all cleaning supplies and personnel.  Cleaners containing bleach, ammonia, acid or butyl may not be used in the Museum.  All debris must be cleared and hauled away or deposited in a designated Museum dumpster.  All other vendors are responsible for cleaning up any décor or items they provide.

Dance Floor

A wooden dance floor is not allowed in the lobby area, but may be set-up on the cemented terraces.

Decorations, Fixtures, and Furniture

All decorations must be free standing; nothing may be attached to the Museum walls or ceilings.  Existing light bulbs may not be changed. No existing fixture may be moved without prior approval from the Facility Rental Department.  All vendors or persons who supply any décor are responsible for the removal and clean-up of those items. $200.00 may be retained from the security deposit if this rule is not observed. This includes the removal of tape and floral petals from the terraces and ceremony site.


All equipment should be delivered to the west side loading dock.  We have limited storage but, subject to prior arrangements, deliveries may be made up to 24 hours prior to an event.  The lessee or a designated representative should be available on the premises to sign for deliveries.  Museum personnel may sign for deliveries but will not be responsible for the accuracy of the delivery. No equipment should be unloaded at the front entrance of the Museum.  The driveway in front of the Museum is a fire lane and no parking is allowed at any time.  All rental equipment must be moved to the designated storage area for collection the following day.  The Morikami is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to rental equipment.


In the event of a disturbance or unacceptable behavior, the Morikami Event Coordinator reserves the right to ask a guest to leave, terminate the event, or, if necessary, call the police.

Dressing Rooms

Two dressing rooms may be available for use after 3:00 p.m. on the day of the event unless otherwise specified in the Facility Use Agreement. Please note that the Museum Theater is in use until 5:00 p.m. and any excessive noise backstage will be heard in the Theater.  A dressing room key is available upon request so that you may lock the rooms. The Morikami, Inc. may retain $250.00 from the security deposit if the key is not returned upon conclusion of the event.

Electrical/Power Supply

A list of outlets is available upon request.  Each outlet is 20 AMPs/120 volts. All wires and extension cords must be securely taped down.  Use of duct tape is not permitted. The Museum’s slate tile floors are sensitive to many brands of tape; removal of tape must not strip finish of the Museum tile floors. We recommend regular electrician’s tape.

Favors and Gifts

The Morikami Museum Shop can provide gift and favor suggestions and offers a 15% discount on all purchases from contract signing to the date of the event.  Please call the store at 561.233.1344.


All fire exits are clearly marked.  In the event of a fire, the building must be evacuated immediately using the nearest exit.  The Morikami Event Coordinator will issue appropriate instructions for all emergencies.


Only fireworks with at least 45 days notice and the necessary County and Fire Department permits will be considered for approval from the Parks and Recreation Department. Fireworks can take place no later than 9:00 p.m. unless given prior written approval by the Morikami, Inc. and the Parks and Recreation Department. The Morikami will only consider allowing a firework display mounted by one of its preferred fireworks vendors.


The Museum Galleries are not normally open during private rentals.  An additional security fee of $250.00 may be paid to have the galleries remain open. If this has been paid and the Galleries are available for viewing, please note that no food or drink is allowed inside. Even small crumbs of food could attract pests that can cause serious damage to the items on display. Drop tables must be placed at the entrance for glasses and plates.  Museum docents may be requested at the rate of $50.00 each. At least one docent is required if the Galleries are open.


The Morikami has negotiated special discounted rates at local hotels in the Delray Beach / Boca Raton area.


The Morikami requires that all vendors carry minimum general liability insurance of $1,000,000.  Proof of insurance may be requested from any vendor before allowing them to perform services at the Morikami Museum.  The Morikami, Inc. and Palm Beach County may require that they be added as an additional insured to a vendor’s policy, in which case the Facility Rental Staff will notify you of this requirement if it applies to your event.


The Morikami does have architectural lighting on the main Museum building in addition to lighting on all of the terrace stairs. There is minimal lighting around the terraces, Morikami Falls, and on the footpath between the Woodruff Bridge and the tent slab.  Please reference the preferred vendor listing for lighting contractors who are able to provide more extensive lighting packages, which may feature lake lighting, lanterns, and patterned or colored lighting effects.

Medical Emergencies

A defibrillator is available on the premises, together with standard first aid supplies.

Music and Entertainment

There are no restrictions on music or entertainment, however, a band with more than four / five performers will restrict the capacity of the lobby.  Bands may require tenting of their performance area if outdoors. Tenting, staging installation, and permitting of such items are the financial responsibility of the lessee, and logistical arrangements must be confirmed with the Facility Rental Department well in advance of the event.

Parking and Valet

All guests should park in the Museum car parking area.  A valet service (hired at the expense of the lessee) is required to staff specific locations if guests will be entering through the staff parking lot gate. The Morikami is not responsible for providing a covering for the trash dumpster enclosure in that area.


The facility rental fee includes use of the Gardens for formal wedding portraits beginning at 3:00 p.m. on the event date.

Pre-Event Meeting

It is important for the success of the event to schedule a walk-through with the Morikami staff at least three weeks prior to the event.  Ideally the lessee, together with all contractors involved in the event (planner, caterer, decorator, lighting technician, entertainers, etc.) should be present. The proposed timetable and layout of the event must be submitted so that any potential problems are discussed and resolved prior to the day of the event.  The Morikami must approve final floor plans and electrical needs at least two weeks prior to the event.


Lessee or Subcontractors hired by the lessee are responsible for:

  • Ensuring all personnel are advised of Morikami Rental Rules and Guildelines, the specific areas of the museum which are leased, and the time frame of the lease.
  • Bringing all food and supplies needed for the event.
  • Ensuring all floors and areas utilized are clean and in satisfactory condition at the conclusion of the event. All areas must be restored to the condition they were in upon arrival. If an area does not appear to be in order upon arrival please notify The Facility Rental Coordinator immediately.
  • Ensuring all rental items, debris and trash from the event are cleared and removed from the premises, or deposited in a designated dumpster.

The Morikami is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the rented areas are clean and in satisfactory condition prior to the start of the event.
  • Ensuring that all objects in the lobby are cleared from the area or moved to accommodate set-up for the event.


All restrooms (in the Lobby and the Café hallway) will be cleaned and supplies replenished once the Museum has closed, prior to the event starting.  Should a problem occur during the event, please inform the Morikami Facility Rental staff.

Smoke Machines

Smoke machines and dry ice are not allowed in the Museum.

Smoking and Vaping

Smoking is not permitted in the Museum or on the back terraces. Smoking is only allowed in front of the main museum entrance. A $75.00 clean-up fee will be deducted from the security deposit if this rule is not observed. Vaping is not allowed anywhere indoors.  The use of any form of marijuana or other drugs are not allowed on Palm Beach County property. It is the responsibility of the lessee to inform guests of these regulations.

Sunset Times

A list of sunset times is available HERE. Daylight Savings time is observed from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.


The Morikami’s list of preferred vendors is comprised of suppliers that have demonstrated a willingness to respect the sensitivity of the Museum and Gardens during past events. We cannot be held responsible for any company’s failure to perform.

Tables, Chairs, Etc.

Morikami does not provide tables, chairs, linens, etc.  A wide selection of these items are provided or are available for use or rental through The Cornell Café.

Wedding Rehearsals

The Facility Rental includes a wedding rehearsal starting at 3:00 p.m. or 3:30 p.m. on the day prior to a wedding.

Wheelchairs and Accessibility

The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens are accessible by wheelchair.  Necessary equipment should be provided by the user as Morikami does not provide wheelchairs for public use.

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