Quiet Beauty: The Japanese Gardens of North America


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Author: Kendall H. Brown, Photography by David M. Cobb

Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens’ Roji’en (Garden of Drops of Dew) is very proud to be one of the gardens featured in this new publication, Quiet Beauty: Japanese Gardens of North America.

Quiet Beauty takes an intimate look at 26 of the most beautiful Japanese-style public gardens in the United States & Canada. The history, style & special functions of each of the gardens is examined offering an insight into the ingenuity of adapting a Japanese style landscape to foreign soil. It also delves into the mystique of why Japanese gardens have been a part of American culture and explores the roots & history of these gardens.

With 180 color photographs, this book is sure to be a beautiful addition to any collection of garden books.

Hard cover, 176 pages

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Quiet Beauty: The Japanese Gardens of North America
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