Park Policies

Pet Policy

Please note that, for health and safety reasons, pets are not allowed, on or off a leash, within the grounds of Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens as posted in the park. We comply with all ADA requirements and accept service animals as defined by the ADA. Service animals are defined as dogs or miniature horses that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals are not allowed as they are not classified as service animals by the ADA.


Visitors to Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens are welcome to take photographs and/or videos in our gardens during normal operating hours: Tuesday through Sunday from 10am to 5pm. General admission rates apply for each individual, including photographers. See below for personal photography policies. If you would like to conduct a photo shoot that does not comply with the below policies, please see our photography & videography page.

  1. Only a small hand-held camera and collapsible tripod are allowed during operating hours. Additional photography equipment, garment bags, clothing racks, suitcases, or any baggage used to store articles of clothing will not be permitted beyond the admissions area. The changing of garments is not permitted during normal operating hours in any part of Morikami Museum and Gardens, including restroom facilities. Patrons wishing to take photos in the gardens must be dressed in the attire in which they intend to be photographed. Morikami security personnel are permitted to inspect the contents of all bags.
  2. No areas or pathways within the gardens may be obstructed or closed to other visitors.
  3. Photography and videography are not permitted in the galleries.
  4. The use of props and toy or authentic weapons of any sort (swords, knives, etc.) are not permitted at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens.
  5. Photography and videography including, but not limited to the following is considered by Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens to be commercial: advertisements, calendars, catalogs, guidebooks, magazines, television commercials and programs, movies, and instructional or documentary videos. These types of activities are not permitted during normal operating hours and alternative arrangements must be made through the Facility Rental Department.
  6. Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of any photo or video activity on its property, and may choose to discontinue the activity of any individual or group if rules and regulations are not being observed.
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