Documentary Film: Fall Seven Times, Get up Eight: The Japanese War Brides

Underwritten by JM Family Enterprises
Discussion led by Director Kathryn Tolbert and Moderator Dr. Mitzi Carter

Date: Friday, May 2, 2025
Time: 7:00pm
Cost: $10 (members $7)
Location: Morikami Theater
Film Run Time: 26mins.

Despite lingering wartime enmity, tens of thousands of Japanese wives — the biggest influx of Asian women in U.S. history — crossed the Pacific. They began new lives in difficult and to them mysterious circumstances, scattered across the country in places where they were often the first Japanese ever seen. What was it like to abandon family, friends and country, and marry a former enemy? Even for those whose choice of spouse proved to be a tragic mistake, there was no turning back. Many in Japan viewed them as social outcasts and even today the words “war bride” in Japanese carry such a stigma — of bar girls, even prostitution —  that people don’t like to say them. Now these women are in their 80s. This is their story, of lives shaped by one irrevocable decision.

A discussion will be held after the screening by Director Kathryn Tolbert and Moderator Dr. Mitzi Carter.

The Director

Kathryn Tolbert was a journalist with The Washington Post for more than 25 years, as an editor, reporter, and correspondent in Tokyo. She is currently executive director of The War Bride Experience, Inc., a nonprofit organization founded by Kathryn and two other first-born daughters of Japanese war brides, Lucy Craft and Karen Kasmauski. She is the author of the oral history archive at and was a co-director of the documentary film Fall Seven Times Get Up Eight: The Japanese War Brides. The War Bride Experience has partnered with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service and the National Museum of American History to create the exhibition “Japanese War Brides, Across a Wide Divide.”


It tends to be cold in our theater.  You may want a sweater or a jacket with you.

Stever and Emmy in Japan about 1952

Japanese sales girls speak with US Naval servicemen at PX in Japan. They had just finished their tour of duty in the Philippines.

Left to rt.: Mother-in-law Grace Craft, Atsuko Craft, Arnold Craft, sister-in-law Joy Craft; Brooklyn, around 1955.

War Bride Daughters, left to right: Karen Kasmauski, Lucy Craft, Kathryn Tolbert, Seattle, May 2014, Seattle (War Bride Daughters LLC)

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