Risaburo Kimura: Cityscapes

Tuesday, March 8 – Sunday, June 5, 2011

Risaburo Kimura was born in 1924, in Yokosuka, Kanagawa prefecture. Yokosuka is located at the mouth of Tokyo Bay, close to Yokohama. Kimura attended Yokohama University and Hosei University, in Tokyo. Since early 1963, he made his home in New York. post-sōsaku hanga (creative print movement) artist and master of serigraph technique, Risaburo Kimura has special affinity for big cities, being born close to Tokyo and later living in New York. In the late 1960s, he started his most important series of prints, “City” series, with well over 400 different renderings of a big city. All of the cities he represented in this series are fictional, and are reduced to masterly use of several colors, and minimization of architectural elements.

The basis for this exhibit were five large size serigraphs from the City series (City 370-374) that were recently accepted into permanent collection of Morikami Museum, thanks to generosity of Harvey Gross. These are the first prints by the artist in our collection, and a great addition to growing collection of contemporary prints.

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