Nature, Tradition and Innovation: Contemporary Japanese Ceramics from the Gordon Brodfuehrer Collection

Supporting Level Member Reception: Thursday, February 15

Member Preview Day: Friday, February 16 (will also serve as Annual Meeting Day)

Opens to the Public: Saturday, February 17

Saturday, February 17, 2018 – Sunday, April 22, 2018

Featuring forty-three exceptional Japanese ceramic artists, this exhibition showcases ceramic objects of unsurpassed beauty made for everyday use. The fifty-five works chosen are closely associated with Japan’s historical pottery centers and reinterpret traditional methods in a modern context. The almost spiritual link between ceramic making and nature is poetically highlighted by eleven digital photographs taken by photographer Tajiro Ito. Organized by International Arts & Artists, this exhibition provides a dynamic survey of the diverse and innovative practices of creating ceramic wares in Japan – from exquisite flower vases and serene tea bowls to whimsical candle holders and robust platters – revealing the earthly beauty of Japanese ceramics.

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